
その他イベント 2018年8月28日 postedtaniguchiir 【ご報告】国際カンファレンスPICMET’18 はコメントを受け付けていません

アメリカ合衆国ハワイ州ホノルルで開催された、Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology主催の国際会議PICMET’18(8月19~23日)において、IMPPから教員4名、学生3名が研究発表を行いました。




Aoshima, Y., Matsushima, K., & Takada, N. “How Do Influences of Funding and Funded Organizations Affect Performance of Publicly-Supported Private R&D Projects?”

Eto, M. “Profit Expansion Method by Outbound Open Innovation”

Matsuno, Y. “Meaningful Innovation in Corporate Activities from the Viewpoint of Financial Data”

Mutsuda, M.  “Applying the Technical Results and Experience from Unsuccessful Projects in New Projects: Kuraray and the Innovation of Nylon 9T”

Taniguchi, R.  “Resource Mobilization by ‘Strange Bedfellows’: A Case Study of ‘Biomass Nippon Strategy’”

Yamasaki, K & Hosoya, R. “Resolving Asymmetry of Medical Information by Using AI: Japanese People’s Change Behavior by Technology-Driven Innovation for Japanese Health Insurance”

Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T. “A Technological Return to Originating Firms from Knowledge Spillovers”
