【IIRサマースクール2014 参加報告 1日目】8月27日
「IIRサマースクール2014」が平成26年8月27日(水)28日(木)の2日間 一橋大学の佐野書院で開催された。
•9:45- Opening •Kentaro Nobeoka
•10:10-11:00: Atsushi Ohyama: Acquisitions, Productivity, and Profitability: Evidence from the Japanese Cotton Spinning Industry
•11:00-11:50: Yosuke Yasuda: Introduction to Market Design and its Applications to School Choice
•13:00-13:50: Chirantan Chatterjee: How do Incumbents Respond to Low-End Firm Entry?
•13:50-14:40: Ilir Haxhi: The cross-national distances and corporate governance codes: an institutional framework
•15:00-15:50: Alex Makarevich: Ambidexterity in Open and Closed Networks: The role of knowledge base and network
closure in organizations’ exploration activities
•15:50-16:40: Balazs Fazekas: Impact of Different Types of Heterogeneity on Innovation in Organizational Networks: The
Case of the Japanese Nanotechnology R&D Alliance Network
•16:40-17:30: Kangyong Sun: National Socio-Political Structures and Institutional Entrepreneurship in Emerging
Industries: A Comparative Study of Smartphone/Social Media Gaming Industry in China and Japan
- 会場である佐野書院の正面 -
- 開会のあいさつをされる延岡センター長 -
- 発表をされるAlex Makarevich氏 -
- 発表をされるBalazs Fazekas氏 -